Mr. Mayor, stop manipulating!

Marc Vanden Busche, the mayor of Koksijde, claims that Fedasil does not want to test coronavirus residents of the Center for the reception of refugees in Koksijde.

This is a manipulation that is trying to justify discrimination against refugees.

Mr. Mayor, the refugees are not Fedasil slaves. Fedasil can't forbid refugees to get tested!

I will say more - some refugees want to get tested. But not forcibly - voluntarily. They really want to know if there is a coronavirus in their body.

But you, Mr. Mayor, blocked the refugees and sent the police, who stands near the entrance to the Refugee Reception Center and does not allow them to leave.

Fedasil does not prohibit refugees from going out and getting tested. You forbid it!

You said that the city is ready to pay for refugee testing - and this is wonderful. Please, announce where refugees can be tested. Assign each date and time so that there are no queues. And, most importantly, stop blocking refugees, remove the police - so that people can go out and get tested.

Do not manipulate when telling the journalists that Fedasil forbids people to get tested. It's a lie.

Fedasil does not prohibit refugees from leaving the center and visiting places where testing takes place. Fedasil does not prevent people from being tested for coronavirus, HIV, Ebola, plague, anthrax, Spanish flu, or other illnesses.

Refugees are free people, and Fedasil is not a Nazi concentration camp.

However, Mr. Mayor, testing should be truly independent and as accurate as possible.

We see your prejudice towards refugees, therefore:

1. Doctors conducting testing should not depend on you or be somehow connected with you.

2. We must get full information about the testing method.

For example, we need to know - do these tests detect the virus itself or antibodies to it? If only antibodies, then this may mean that a person was ill 2-3 months ago (or half a year ago) and is not a carrier of the virus now, he is not contagious, therefore he has no symptoms. As you know, most were ill with coronavirus without symptoms and the presence of antibodies in their blood only means the presence of immunity.

However, you can use positive antibody tests for propaganda and discrimination against refugees.

For example, the two children you used to turn the Refugee Reception Center into prison have no symptoms. Even if the rapid test was not mistaken, these children now may not be contagious, but, on the contrary, with formed immunity.

Therefore, we require, also, to publish information about which tests were used in this case. And if it was an antibody test, why didn't the doctors do a virus test?

In addition, it is necessary to test not only refugee children, but also all children who went to school. This is necessary - if you, Mr. Mayor, are really fighting the coronavirus, and not discriminating against a small, vulnerable group of people, using your power.

I am sure that the presence of antibodies in the blood of other children will lead you into confusion. Because it suddenly turns out that many Belgian children have been ill with coronavirus a long time ago and without symptoms - as is happening all over the world.

Test all the children, Mr. Mayor! Even if it ruins your propaganda against refugees.

But I'm sure you are afraid to do it.

Mr. Mayor, you are shamelessly manipulating, so we do not believe you and therefore we want independent sources to provide complete information. You should not be the only source of information, because you deliberately mislead people.

The World Health Organization warns that coronavirus should not cause discrimination or unreasonable restriction of fundamental human rights.

And I see that their fears are well founded.

Update - one of two children has been retested. The test showed a negative result - This confirms that blocking refugees is just discrimination. Just think - five days ago, a child without symptoms was suddenly declared sick, and now they say that he is healthy. How is this possible?

See also:

Why is the police blocking refugees in Koksijde? -

What you need to know about the refugee protest in Koksijde, 10 points -

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